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Dr. Amy King, aka Dr. Amy, is a licensed psychologist who provides training, consultation, and education to medical providers and clinics. Among her specialties is working with professionals to help create resilient children, patients and thriving families, guiding them to heal their stress and trauma through connected relationships. Her experience includes serving as a statewide trainer for the Oregon Department of Human Services and subject matter expert to promote child wellness in pediatric settings on behalf of the Children's Health Alliance. Her current work is promoting resilience within primary care medical homes and through partnership and collaboration via her podcast, her membership, and speaking opportunities and trainings.

This month, I’m writing about loneliness and how to create less aloneness for ourselves and others. This week, I thought I would kick us off by offering a short story.  Years ago, while chatting with my friend, Ann, on my way home from work, she some shared sadness she was experiencing about one of her […]

Less Aloneness

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Last week, we celebrated my son’s 18th birthday. It was a bittersweet day for me as a mama. Now, I have two grown, adult children. It’s hard to believe. I still see their sweet baby faces, their chubby toddler hands, their lanky limbs, and their teenage grins. Here are the big feelings that came up […]

I’ve officially raised two adults

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Can you find Dr. Amy as a wrestling cheerleader? I grew up in Iowa. Iowa, the Hawkeye State, is known for corn, kind people, the state fair, RAGBRAI, and wrestling. We raise wrestling champions! I grew up as a wrestling cheerleader (yes, there is such a thing) and sat through thousands of hours of wrestling meets. I […]

Dear Coaches & Parents

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If you know me, you know I’m a hopeless romantic. So, in this last edition of self-acceptance and self-love along with a bit of humanbeingness, I thought I would share one more piece of vulnerability.  I LOVE love.  I’ve witnessed several failed relationships in my lifetime. My mom was divorced and remarried several times. Same with my […]

The week of love

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As we continue our month-long journey of self-acceptance and humanity, I have a funny story to share with you. You can decide what this month’s sharing is related to – limitations? Humility? Skills? Patience? I think, it’s a bit of all of this. A few years ago, I decided I wanted to learn how to […]

Trailer Woes

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We’re continuing our month-long exploration of humanity, from silly disclosures to more vulnerable offerings. Today, we lean into a bit of vulnerability.  Did you know I have osteoarthritis? Mostly in my hands. And, no, it’s not just because I’m 49. My rheumatologist thinks it’s because I was really hard on my hands growing up – […]

My hands

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We’re halfway through January already. I decided to write a month-long series on humanity. I’m going to humbly reflect on my own as a way to model vulnerability, self-acceptance, and humanbeingness. So, stay tuned for a month of silly and, at times, exposing the tea on Dr. Amy. So, here we go with the lighthearted […]

Fork Please!

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Wow, do I have exciting news to share!  Our signature curriculum, Cards for Connection©, has been officially sealed with the US Copyright Office as registered material! Woo-hoo!! Getting copyright registration is a lengthy, expensive process. It protects my intellectual property regarding my life’s work that is creating huge ripple effects across champions in the lives of […]

FUN News about Cards

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The past few weeks have been a time of rest and recovery for me and my team. We’ve tried to unplug, catch up, and spend time with family and friends we love. I’ve enjoyed seeing my team and consultants post pictures of holidays, vacations, and fun family photos. For me, the past few weeks have meant […]

A year of gratitude

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The house looked perfect, just in time for holiday celebrations. As I walked in the door, home from my first year of college, everything was just right. Ribboned wreaths, ornamented trees, stockings with names, brightly wrapped gifts, and pretty hand towels donning Santa’s face. You were ready to make cookies – dipped pretzels in chocolate […]

Dear Mom at Christmas

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BE A GUEST on the Podcast!

If you're a dedicated professional making a positive impact in the lives of children and families, I want YOU to be a featured guest on THIS empowering podcast! SHARE YOUR IMPACTFUL JOURNEY IN BUILDING RESILIENCE IN RELATIONSHIPS FOR CHILDREN & FAMILIES!

yes, please!



pediatricians, educators, nurses, advocates and other folks who are in children's lives.