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I don’t know about you, but fatigue is real.

As if there wasn’t enough to overwhelm us, it seems like the collective world stress is unrelenting. Are you tired? What kind of tired?

Emotional/Mental exhaustion – feeling “all the feels” and absorbing pain. Emotional exhaustion occurs when we experience fatigue from being emotionally overloaded. Our pain, others’ pain, and collective pain all combine to create an overwhelming feeling of tiredness that has accumulated. Feeling worn out and drained from the totality of emotions.

Here are signs of emotional exhaustion from The Mayo Clinic:


Emotional symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Apathy
  • Depression
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Feeling powerless or trapped
  • Irritability
  • Lack of motivation
  • Nervousness
  • Tearfulness


Physical symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Lack of appetite
  • Sore muscles or muscle tension


Performance symptoms include:

  • Failing to meet deadlines
  • Lower workplace commitment
  • More absences
  • Performing work duties more slowly


Physical exhaustion – our body’s perception of fatigue. Our body feels physically exhausted when the cumulative fatigue and persistent tiredness catches up with us. The physical sensation that our body functioning is compromised.

Here are signs of physical exhaustion from Better Health:


Symptoms include: 

  • Chronic tiredness or sleepiness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Sore or aching muscles
  • Muscle weakness
  • Slowed reflexes and responses
  • Impaired decision-making and judgment
  • Moodiness, such as irritability
  • Impaired hand-to-eye coordination
  • Appetite loss
  • Reduced immune system function
  • Blurry vision
  • Short-term memory problems
  • Poor concentration
  • Hallucinations
  • Reduced ability to pay attention to the situation at hand
  • Low motivation.


Values Disconnect Exhaustion – A third type of exhaustion that many providers are experiencing is called “values” exhaustion. Kamal Sarma describes this type of exhaustion, “values disconnect exhaustion,” as more subtle and insidious than other forms of deep tiredness. Values disconnect occurs when a person has to compromise their own character and beliefs in order to meet the expectations placed on them. Over the past two years, there are few other professionals that have been impacted as greatly by values disconnect exhaustion than providers. Moral distress exemplifies values disconnect exhaustion (oh, if you want to learn more about this, sign-up for next week’s free workshop for medical providers!).


Symptoms of Values Disconnect Exhaustion:

  • Lack of purpose
  • Feeling disconnected and detached
  • Uncomfortable
  • Covering or masking feelings
  • Pretending to be well

Regardless of whether you’re physically exhausted, mentally/emotionally exhausted, or disconnected from values (or a combination of several), the first step is to recognize what’s happening in your body. Because the last two years have created constant demands, pressure, and isolation, we often overlook symptoms of fatigue because we become accustomed to overwhelm. We have consistently felt like we “can’t go on” only to be pressed into continuing for days, weeks, and months more than we should endure.

The second step is to figure out how to rest. In our westernized view of rest, we hold a myopic view: rest equals sleep. But sleep is not the only way to rest. In fact, our bodies and minds require different forms of rest. And morally, we need rest as well. For a great reflection on rest, watch this Ted Talk: https://youtu.be/ZGNN4EPJzGk

I want you to begin to ask yourself – what kind of fatigue am I experiencing and what type of rest is my body asking of me?

Tell me. I’d like to hear what you’re experiencing and what’s helping.


-Dr. Amy

Well, hello friends & colleagues,

I thought I might take a moment to reflect on the past few weeks by reaching out to all of you with updates specifically for providers and those in the healthcare field.

If you’re subscribed to my regular newsletter, then you likely hear from me weekly about parenting woes, showing up more vulnerably as a human and ways to create resilience for our kids. But as my work has begun to shift dramatically towards helping the helpers, specifically healthcare workers in primary care, I thought I might begin to send some nuggets to all of you on a more regular basis.

Over the past weeks and months, I’ve talked with hundreds of providers and healthcare leaders. And, wow. There’s so much on our collective plates. I have the pleasure of working with people in different capacities which allows me to ascertain pain points and feel more effective when I help, offer resources, or create content to share. Here are some highlights:

  • Individuals in primary care feeling anxious as people try to figure out “new normal.”
  • Leaders feel frustrated as people refer to “post-pandemic” as if we’re there…
  • Groups of pediatricians who are struggling with vaccine hesitancy and trying to figure out how to have these delicate, often personal, discussions with patients.
  • Leaders who are trying to figure out how to create staff resilience after such long periods of burnout and overwhelm.
  • Providers trying to find meaning as we move back to “regular behavior” …


Does any of this sound familiar? You’re not alone. Fatigue, overwhelm, burnout, and exhaustion are words that I am hearing on a daily basis. We have to create space to name these feelings. We must normalize space for people to say, “I’m not okay right now.” And we don’t have to fix it, fade it, or make it go away – listening is a great place to start. And man-oh-man have I listened. And felt tearful. And powerless. And IN IT. How about you?

Here’s something to try right away that can feel pretty powerful: I want you to write down two things that feel opposing but can actually go together. Then bridge the two with AND. For instance, “It’s beautiful outside AND I wish we had rain because it’s so dry.” Or “I love treating patients AND I’m exhausted.” Or “I feel blessed to have had a job through such a tumultuous time AND it’s overwhelming to keep going for so long.” Once we embrace the AND there’s a certain amount of pressure that peels away; or at least, that’s my hope. Acknowledging that two opposing thoughts can co-occur acknowledges the complexity that we all experience. One does not exclude the other, nor diminish pain. BOTH are TRUE.

I’d love to hear from you – so many of you are struggling with fatigue and if you begin to embrace the duality – that it’s ok to feel grateful AND exhausted; inspired AND fearful; acknowledging AND frustrated – the overwhelm will begin to dissipate.

Oh, and another way to decrease the overwhelm – fuel yourself. Here are two ways to join me: The first is FREE and happening within weeks. The second is a retreat that will refuel your mind and spirit.

August 5 at 12:30 – join me for Refresh, A Meaningful Medicine Community.

Or, if you’re ready for more, for a deep dive full of great food, wine, yoga and sharing stories with like-minded professionals….join me for The Most Important Medicine: Transforming Primary Care by Focusing on Relational Health and Connection. 

Where will I see you next?

With compassion,

Dr. Amy

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