If you know me, you know I’m a hopeless romantic. So, in this last edition of self-acceptance and self-love along with a bit of humanbeingness, I thought I would share one more piece of vulnerability.
I LOVE love.
I’ve witnessed several failed relationships in my lifetime. My mom was divorced and remarried several times. Same with my dad. Even after version 1.0 of marriage for me, one that I’ll never regret because of my two beautiful children, I tried love again. In 2022, I got married to the love of my life. Version 2.0 is a keeper. I’m better. He’s better. We love stronger, harder, and imperfectly because of our life experiences. I’m a hopeless romantic. Oh well, that’s me.
Here are things about me that I fully embrace when it comes to love – won’t you help me expand this list by writing back?
- I cry easily at movies. Any rom-com will do. I love happy endings.
- I love love of any type – from my friends, animals, family, and my husband.
- I relish in tender offerings and thoughtful surprises.
- I will not get in the way of other people’s love – if you don’t like who someone else chooses to love, that’s ok, because you don’t have to love them – just let them be
- I’m a sap for love stories, long or short.
- I’ve seen love perform magic and heal deep wounds
- Love should never be taken for granted. Tell people often that you love them. Never waste an opportunity. Do it NOW.
- People show love differently. Honor ways people love. Let them know you see it.
- Never waste an opportunity love, even though it might break your heart. Risk getting your heart broken. You’ll get over the broken heart, but the love will live inside of you.
- Love big. Say the things. Hug. Love unconditionally! Connection, at the end of the day, is all that matters.
Ok friends, I hope you enjoyed this past month of vulnerability and connection.
Always, I hold you in my heart. I can’t wait to hear what you love about love.