Acknowledgements: Circle of Friends

If you’re following along, you know that I’ve been sharing the dedication and acknowledgement sections of my book with you. Last week, I reviewed the second part of my acknowledgments. Today, I’m diving into the third part of my acknowledgment section – my friends. Here is the third part of my acknowledgment section: 

To my friends. R.J.—your brilliance, wit, partnership, and dedication to this work have been incredible to witness as I walk beside you on this journey. Thank you. And to my girlfriends, who raise me up, cheer me on, hold me close, and laugh with me. You are my family.

This can be short and sweet. 

R.J. Gillespie, MD, is probably one of the most brilliant people I know. But it’s not just intellectual brilliance, it’s his humanity that is also bright. He asks the right questions. He exhibits curiosity. He’s funny as hell. And he’s an exceptional writer. So, when I partnered with this awesome pediatrician and friend to co-author this book, I was ecstatic! R.J. kept me on track, and showed integrity, and collaboration. Together, we’ve created an exceptional product. But, more important to me, we’ve become even better friends. I’m thankful for humans like R.J. in the world of medicine. 

My girlfriends. Gah – I couldn’t even begin to list all of them. They truly raise me up and cheer me on. Girlfriends who make me laugh. Who share honesty. Girlfriends who cry when my heart breaks and celebrate my successes. Girlfriends who show up! These strong, brilliant women in my life allow me to be all the things – mom, wife, friend, daughter, psychologist – and often, a messy human. Without condition, they love me. 

If you’ve been to a training with me, you learn all about Circles of Support and the importance of connection. These people are my circles. They are my kitchen nook friends. I am a better human because of my friendships. 

I’d love to hear who you might acknowledge if given the chance?