It’s the end of the year for so many of us. Students, teachers, administrators, bus drivers, librarians – goodness! So many of my favorite people! For some, there are culminating events, for others, it’s simply onto the next year. But you know what? YOU made it! Whether you’re celebrating simply surviving or a major milestone in your life, please take time to pause and reconcile all that you’ve accomplished.
I want to encourage two practices:
- Celebrate the small wins.
- End well.
Celebrating small wins represents so much to me. Small wins might be:
- Kindergarteners who now love to read.
- Preschool students entering play with love.
- Middle schoolers learning study skills.
- High school students who have new coping tools.
- A teacher who no longer cries in the parking lot every day because they feel more confident.
- A bus driver who greets sweet faces every day and now knows everyone’s name.
Wins do not have to be major accomplishments, accolades, or merits. When we celebrate the small wins, we honor the everyday practices that help us thrive.
So tell me, what are your small wins?
Also, as we wrap up the year, end well, my friends. We’re horrible at goodbyes. But a wise mentor once told me, don’t just end. End well. Say goodbyes. Sit in sadness. Celebrate successes. Honor losses. High five. Rejoice with applause. Jump in delight. Wear the bright colors, decorate the gowns, litter hallways, play music, and honor everything that you’ve endured. Acknowledging the end of something gives credence to its role in your life. It allows you to look back and say, “I did this!”
So, to all of you managing milestones – I celebrate you!
Write back and tell me what you’re commemorating and how!