I started my private practice in 2003. I was a baby psychologist, just licensed. I set up my sweet little office in Clackamas Oregon and put out my shingle. You came. You trusted me with your stories, your children, your lives, and your hearts.
Between 2003 and 2015 we grew together. Clients came and went and some circled back again. And I grew up too – I had babies, tucked away more experience, and learned from you.
In 2015, I began to do more consultation and training. My goal was to have a more systemic impact in the lives of children and families. I gathered all of my tools and the lessons taught by my incredible clients and bundled them up with love and intention. I began consulting with schools, hospitals, law enforcement, and other child and family-facing professionals. Mostly, I’ve focused on trauma-informed work and building resilience. Our relationship began to change. Now, you came and you brought your friends & other professionals to trainings, retreats, and events.
When the pandemic hit in 2020, I pivoted my training & consultation to online support, stability, and guidance. You trusted me again. You showed up with tear-stained cheeks, overwhelm, and on the brink of burnout. We sat, figured out how to connect virtually, and ways we could find support amidst painful experiences of isolation.
As I sit at my desk in 2024, I am so grateful for growing pains and growing gains. This spring, my book with the American Academy of Pediatrics will make its debut. I’ve trained in 4 states outside of Oregon already and it’s only March. I’m working with CCO’s to provide training and support around enhancing relational health and mitigating trauma through Cards for Connection©. And my team is supporting hundreds of child and family-facing professionals in our Connected Collabs.
All this to say, I’m so grateful to our community for your continued trust and support. If you’re curious about any of this work, or feel like your organization could use a dose of Dr. Amy, please reach out. My schedule is booked through April, and we’re looking into May and later for training dates. But I would LOVE to add you to my calendar. You can reach out here!
Thank you for your support through all of the growing pains and growing gains. It’s only through community and relationships that we thrive.
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