Before we chat about a BUNCH of exciting announcements, I want to dedicate my newsletter and podcast this week to an inspiring professional, Dr. Rita Pierson. Although she passed almost a decade ago, her work has been an inspiration for me and a reminder, always in the back of my mind, about what it means to champion work for children.
Every child deserves a champion. An adult who will never give up on them; who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they possibly can be. – Rita Pierson
On that note, I am SUPER excited to announce my new podcast title, content and offer all of you a free resource this week. As I jotted down notes for my podcast this week, reached out to guests and scheduled time to write this, I felt giddy with excitement.
Calling all champions for children! The new podcast title and tag is…drum roll…
The MOST Important Medicine: Creating ConnectEd Champions for Children
As I mentioned last week, I want my podcast to reflect my larger body of work AND focus in on my wheel house of expertise – pediatric health and early childhood development. So, August, is a month of story-sharing and journey renewal. I’m going to use this platform to share the incredible work and dedication it takes to work in the lives of children and families with complex needs. Ways to feel more competent and connected along the way. So, our new title for this podcast blends our beloved title, The Most Important Medicine with a new tagline: Creating ConnectED Champions for Children. What do you think?
I’ve had to become laser focused on who comes to me for help and support. And it’s those of you who sit at the intersection of systems for children and families – pediatricians, family practitioners, early head start teachers, early intervention specialists, teachers, nurse home visiting programs, family advocates, and parent educators – all of you who want to have a greater impact in the lives of children, but at times, feel burdened and stressed by the level of trauma you’re seeing and the short period of time you have to address the complex needs of children and families.
So, I hope you check out this week’s podcast where I discuss what went into this change for my company and the three pillars that guide my work in becoming a champion for children. You’ll want to check it out!
Thank you, Rita for reminding us that we can all be champions and that all children need champions. Next week, as we continue our August journey of refocus and rebranding – we’re going to talk about how we create Circles of Support for you and for the children with whom you work. And go grab that free resource so we can begin to create a village of support for kids and families.