Season Two has OFFICIALLY KICKED OFF!! We cannot wait to share what’s been going on behind the scenes of this podcast so that we can invite MORE of you IN!
We’ve become laser focused on who comes to us for help and support. And it’s those of you who sit at the intersection of systems for children and families – pediatricians, family practitioners, early head start teachers, early intervention specialists, teachers, nurse home visiting programs, family advocates, and parent educators – all of you who want to have a greater impact in the lives of children, but at times, feel burdened and stressed by the level of trauma you’re seeing and the short period of time you have to address the complex needs of children and families.
I want my podcast to reflect this larger body of work AND focus in on my wheel house of expertise – pediatric health and early childhood development. So, August, is a month of story-sharing and journey renewal. I’m going to use this platform to share the incredible work and dedication it takes to work in the lives of children and families with complex needs. Ways to feel more competent and connected along the way. Next week, I’m going to be sharing the new title for my podcast with all of you as well as a free resource that will help guide you on this incredible work you’re all doing.
Tune in next week as I highlight the new podcast title and the three pillars that inspire my work. I’ll also be releasing a new free resource for all of you!
Please rate and review this podcast!!
Learning Collaborative Invitation
Start Creating Boundaries Handout & Script
Finding Calm to Prevent Overwhelm
Don’t Forget! Follow Dr. Amy on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram
For more information visit www.doctoramyllc.com