What is The Most Important Medicine?

Happy Independence Day Friends,

I hope that this finds you celebrating with family and friends today! In the picture, you’ll see me with a beautiful friend, frolicking at the St. Paul Rodeo – one of my favorite ways to celebrate our country. 

We’ll be taking the week off from podcasting and re-airing a fabulous interview on The Most Important Medicine to focus on some important efforts. As we focus on re-branding a few features of my business, we have the opportunity to reflect on the way we train and support folks in our community.

This past year, interviewing folks on the podcast and meeting new professionals in this space has been nothing short of amazing and inspiring. When I set out to create the podcast, I wanted to create material that was free, accessible and began to support healthcare professionals in their understanding of trauma-informed medicine and practical ways to mitigate stress and harm. And, we’ve done an incredible job! We’ve had thousands of downloads and beautiful testimonials for the podcast! One physician told me that listening to the podcast has transformed the way he practices pediatric internal medicine. Just Wow!!

As I continue to focus on the question, “What IS the most important medicine?” I’ve realized something important to me and in the work I’ve done for 25+ years. The MOST important medicine is truly about connection. And, the way I want to support this work is through relationships between professionals and the work they do to support children and families. Connection through stories, connection through support, resources and understanding what happens when connection needs are not met. My passion and wheelhouse lives in the world of pediatrics – and not just pediatric medical professionals; but all professionals who support children and their families to flourish, emotionally and physically – and the systems they’re in. 

This means, as I began the second season of The Most Important Medicine, I’m going to shift the focus. For some of you, the change will feel slight but extremely supportive & more meaningful. For others, it may feel more significant depending on the work you do. We’re going to shift from focusing solely on healthcare professionals to professionals that champion the work with children and families to mitigate harm, build resilience, nurture and support families and help them thrive. I want to create messages of hope and inspiration about working with vulnerable children, difficult family work and creating positive childhood experiences that buffer adversity. We’re going to discuss practical ways to build resilience, understand what trauma looks like in children and families and focus on finding ways to support them. We’ll also look at the important intersections of this work through a diverse lens and with champions in fields that support ways to help families thrive. 

I hope you find your way to the podcast, if you have not. And, if you have ideas about topics that might feel helpful to you as a way of understanding early trauma and responding to it, let me know

I hope you find this work as meaningful as I do! Your support and ideas mean the world to me. 

And, if you listen to the podcast and love it, I’d love for you to provide a quick review on the platform you listen on!