Hi Friends,
Wow. This newsletter is going to be short and sweet because it has been a week! And because it’s important to celebrate when things are going well! And, if I’m honest, I’m celebrating my senior this year and it’s the weekend of prom. We are BUS-Y!
First, thank you to all of you who reached out regarding last week’s newsletter and information about Cards for Connection© – I’ve set up several discovery calls for primary care providers and early childhood educators to learn more about this curriculum. If you missed information about them, you can find it here! These cards teach providers and educators how to build resilience and relational health at every encounter – they are transformative!
Second, I want to express gratitude for the opportunities I was given this past week for teaching, training and connecting. I did some math with my coach this Friday and we estimated that I trained about 400 people over the past week. That’s exciting…but what’s even more exciting? The reach! Between nurse home visitors, physicians, educators, dentists, behavioral health consultants and parent educators, I got to reach folks that will have an impact on hundreds, if not thousands, of families! Woot! Woot! I’m so grateful to connect with all of you – your patients, students, families, and communities. Sometimes I have to pinch myself.
7 trainings in 6 days – holy smokes. This leads me to my final point –
I want to share “my why” with all of you. I did this exercise twice in the past week. Once with healthcare professionals and also with parent educators. Your “why” is what inspires you to engage in the work you do every day. It’s what gets you out of bed. It’s what motivates you to go do that work that doesn’t necessarily feel like work because you LOVE it, or you love what you’re working for or who you’re working with. It can be as straightforward as – I’ve got to pay bills – LEGIT; or more profound such as what I heard from a behavioral health consultant this week, “I have to make amends for my own substance use hurt and so I work with others.” Your why is important to identify.
My “why” is less aloneness. I teach, train and work with people to validate their experiences with my own humanity or background, so we all feel less alone! More connected! When we’re in community, we’re less alone. When someone says, “I see you,” we’re less alone. When we ask for help, reach out, show vulnerability or have tough, brave conversations, we are saying – let’s be in this together. This past week, as I saw tears and witnessed people share stories with openness and love, my “why” was so full, it was overflowing! What I know for sure is that we need community. We need each other. And people need us to model relationships that allow humanity and courage to show up in spaces. Imperfectly perfect.
So, I hope as you move throughout your week, you find connection. Less aloneness.
If you’re a healthcare provider, you can join us here in The Provider Lounge. If you want to learn more about trauma-informed medicine and building resilience, check out our community on the podcast. Or, if you want to join me for a half day or full day training (or more!), reach out – let’s make it happen!