Hello Friends,
And an extra hello to new friends joining our community after an incredible weekend at Salishan Lodge attending the Oregon Academy of Family Physicians and Oregon Pediatric Society’s annual conference. I was honored to be a keynote speaker AND host a breakout session. Woohoo! It was so enriching. I learned so much from sessions I attended and hope I shared knowledge, wisdom and connection with others.
I truly believe we learn from stories. Stories have the power to heal and connect. They tell others where we’ve been, where we are and where we’re headed. Only through narratives do we relate, pass down rituals, create memories and find meaning.
I just wanted to take a moment this week to rest in gratitude.
Gratitude for the conveyors of the conference. Going to a beautiful setting at the beach is restful and so welcoming. It let all of us know, this is not just for learning, it’s for experiencing. I know how much work goes into running a retreat, whew, and this conference was beautiful!
Much appreciation and admiration to my fellow keynote speakers. Wow – if you’ve not heard of Dr. Eva Galvez, Dr. Joseph Wright or Dr. Justine Parker, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood, SW Oregon, seek them out now!! It’s not their professionalism or vita that struck me (and believe me, they were long!) but their humanity and passion that touched all of us. I’m grateful to have learned from all of them.
Deep gratitude to the physicians who joined me for Walking Stories – my breakout session. I simply had to facilitate story-telling and you did all of the rest. You were vulnerable, tearful and introspective. I wish I could have listened in on all of your walking stories – your brave, thoughtful insights on yourself, your patients and medicine. Physicians like you are transforming medicine. Thank you for allowing me to be a catalyst to storytelling.
And finally, I want to simply thank people I met this weekend. Smiles. Laughter. People who reached out when they were touched by my message. I felt welcomed and folded into your community.
Again, I believe that stories have the power to heal. I am so grateful to have been a part of your stories this weekend and to create stories and memories with all of you.
And, if you were so inspired that you simply must join us for the mini-retreat in two weeks, I might be able to squeeze you in!