The nurses are in the house! Join Dr. Amy with nurses Antra Boyd and Karen DiMarco of RNegade as we have some deep conversations about trauma in the field of nursing. These women are real, loving, disrupters in the world of healthcare.
Karen DiMarco is a bit of a wild card. She believes that authenticity serves as the laxative for connection, communication, and inspiration. She writes her bio in the 3rd person like a normal arsehole, but she’ll tell you about it (see what she did there?) Curiosity is her superpower, and creativity is the machete she uses to cut through the antiquated bullschizzle of how the world says things ‘ought to be.’ When she can’t think of a word to say precisely what she means, she’ll make one up: Memorgasm – the feeling/sound that is made when one suddenly remembers the name of a person/song/ or “what did I come in this room for again?” Since this slashie mouthful doesn’t quite cover the CV: “R.N./transformational coach/published health researcher & educator/foul-mouthed humorist,” she goes by ‘RNegade.’ Although Karen is a girl with a dragon tattoo, she’s really quite kind. The thing that makes her leap out of bed in the morning like some deranged fairy godmother whose wings were crumpled by too many My Pillows, is helping others to achieve their greatest level of health, happiness, and human potential…preferably with lots of snort-laughing along the way.
Antra is the only one here who is actually having someone else write her bio in the 3rd person. She is formidable. Like, you’re as grateful to have her ‘at your side,’ as you are relieved that she’s not on an opposing team. Yet, those pretty blue eyes will start pissing tears if you do the least kind thing for her, or show her a TikTok of a baby cow.
Antra’s insecurity-inducing professional resume: Navy veteran, 20+ year clinical nursing experience in the OR, and wickedly talented entrepreneur in the emerging role of Private Patient Advocacy — was cultivated from the compost of challenge, triumph, and transformation that her life has so abundantly provided.
Those experiences shaped her unique way of seeing the world. “The status quo is a snoozefest. What puts a fire under my ass is shaking shit up, a nice glass of red wine, and hanging out with my tribe of trouble-makers.”
WARNING: boxes, knowns, ‘shoulds’, ‘ought-tos’, and ceilings WILL be blown-up and crashed-through. Antra is an Original RNegade.
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