Join Dr. Amy & Dr. Gene Nicholson, as we discuss the needs of children and families with complex medical needs. He also discusses how he’s learned to set clear boundaries and priorities to protect his own mental health. Dr. Nicholson’s compassion, energy, and hard-fought lessons bring insight and understanding to his patients & colleagues.
Dr. Nicholson, a Kaiser Physician, has a primary care clinic, and a diabetes clinic (for kids w T1 and T2 diabetes), and has been working in a multidisciplinary chronic pain clinic since February 2022. He has also worked on the wards at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. He volunteers for Gales Creek Camp since 2011, where he serves as a camp doctor one week every summer. He has been awarded the “Distinguished Physician Award” by his colleagues within Kaiser Permanente.
National Diabetes Camp Registry
Provider Lounge Virtual Meeting Freebie
Start Creating Boundaries Handout & Script
Guide To Creating Cultures of Trust At Work
Finding Calm to Prevent Overwhelm
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For more information visit www.doctoramyllc.com