Birthday Reflections, Part Two

Hey Friends,
I’m so incredibly touched by your emails & messages. In last week’s newsletter, I shared my soul work with you around my mission and asked you to share yours. Here’s a sprinkle of what I heard:
- Joy that comes from your animals, especially a dog’s loyalty
- Being outdoors and breathing
- Your children
- Finding purpose in your occupation
- Satisfying, life-giving friendships
Geez, I love hearing and sharing all of this!
Here’s your next bit of work. When you think about the quiet whisper, or loud resonance of your soul’s mission statement, what gets in the way? What are the barriers to you leaning into this effort fully? Wholeheartedly?
Here were some of my reflections:
- Time
- Money
- Rigidity – I often feel like I have to do things a certain way, in a certain order, or put other things aside
- Doing other things out of obligation
- Feeling like I should take care of others before myself
How about you?
I encourage you to write down both – your important soul work AND the barriers. Put them in writing. See what bubbles up.
Again, I’d love to hear from you.
Less aloneness in the world. That’s my soul’s mission – so tell me how this is going.
With compassion,
Dr. Amy