
Did you listen to the podcast last week? If not, you should listen to my discussion with Guy Macpherson! Guy is the popular host of the podcast The Trauma Therapist and he had so much wisdom and insights to offer! 

Notably, he underscored the importance of being human in our professional roles. He referred to this as “human-beingness” and encouraged all of us to consider sharing more of our humanity. So many of us are trained in uber-professionalism. We’re given messages that create a world where no mistakes are made, no disclosures are welcome, we are consummate professionals – workbots that take care of our patients or clients and become selfless, unrelatable individuals. And who does that serve? 

Not to worry! If you listen, you’ll notice he never mentions that we should be boundary-less, crying providers who bleed our worries or fears onto others. But he did encourage us to think about ways we can share more of ourselves with others. In fact, in my work with healthcare organizations and healthcare providers, folks want to bring their WHOLE selves to work. We are mothers, daughters, friends, wives – and when we have to compartmentalize ourselves so fiercely, it’s exhausting. 

So, I thought I might provide some examples of my human-beingness and ways I incorporate it into my work. In fact, on my podcast, I ask guests to offer one quirky feature about themselves that makes them a “messy human” – it’s been really fun! So, here are some interesting facts about me and some helpful ways I humanize myself with the people I hope to support. 

My human-beingness:

  • If I could eat cereal for every meal, I would.
  • I’ve been divorced and now happily remarried. 
  • I buy more books than I ever have time to read.
  • My bathroom is a mess. Always. Products, makeup, blow dryer, you name it.
  • I often think I’ve texted you back, but it was only in my head.
  • I LOVE tropical vacations. Don’t ask me to go on an adventure vacation with you. 
  • I’ll eat just about anything except for mushrooms and black olives. 
  • I have a lot of half-siblings, but no full siblings.
  • I love hip-hop and rap. I also love country.
  • I judge people who don’t wash their baseboards. 

Are we still friends? 

Human-beingness that I share with clients when I think it’s appropriate:

  • I’m divorced and happily remarried.
  • I grew up with addiction in my family. 
  • I wanted to be a physician and switched to psychology b/c the human mind intrigued me and I wanted to learn more about stress and trauma. 
  • I yell at my kids and make parenting mistakes often. 
  • I don’t have all of the answers. 

Tell me, what makes you a perfectly, imperfect human?