Find YOUR Pacer

Hello Friends,

If you’re like me, you’re a little bummed that 2021 hasn’t gotten the message yet that it’s supposed to be better. We were all hoping for a magical 2021 and to rid ourselves of 2020 – to put it behind us and say, “Sayonara!”

Well…it ain’t happenin’ yet. So, what’s a person to do? Find a PACER. What’s a pacer, you say? I’m so glad you asked! A pacer is a targeted person who sets a pace, time, cadence, rhythm, etc. for others to follow and make it to the finish line. Sounds like something we could all use right now.

Everyone needs a pacer. Someone or something (it doesn’t have to be a person) who helps you get to the finish line. By this point, we’ve all realized that this is NOT a sprint – working from home, distance learning, worry about COVID, increased isolation from quarantine, overwhelm with health, jobs, cooking EVERYTHING and being around the same people non-stop! Is this just me? No, this is not a sprint. It’s not even a marathon. It’s an ultramarathon!! And while there’s light at the end of the tunnel: kids going back to school in some form, vaccine roll out, and getting through winter – it’s still a long haul until we see any sign of normalcy.

This is why you need a PACER 

Let me give you some examples of pacers: people, spaces, and practices.

  • A bestie – maybe it’s a friend, your sister, your favorite aunt. Whoever it is, she’s there for you, pushes you, picks you up with you’re feeling down. She brings the meal, makes the call, encourages you, loves your kids and doesn’t always have to have her house clean and perfect to have you over (masked, of course, or in her garage).
  • Your therapist – we’re all online and very accessible right now. If you’ve never done therapy, why not? As my great friend Ann says, every woman should have a great hairdresser, Rabbi and therapist. I’m just sayin’. If you’ve done therapy before, you know how amazing it can feel to offload your problems with an objective person or glean valuable insight in a way you’ve never looked at things before.
  • A group – any group! There are so many groups you can be part of right now. Online groups, groups that meet in parks, activist groups, Facebook groups (of course, mine is the best), support groups, you name it. I had a client recently join a group that she found, specific to her age group, that hikes with dogs on a regular basis. Voila – instant connection!
  • Podcasts – podcasts can be inspirational, motivational, educational – all the things! Find one that helps you set your pace. Something that keeps you focused on a task, a goal, or a feeling. If you saw my podcast library, you would see a variety of coaches, business inspiration, mental health education, and other powerful, female leaders.
  • Music – maybe music sets your pace, your cadence. If you’re like me, music is a powerhouse that sets a mood, changes a mood, or motivates me to get through tough crap! I have everything on my playlist from country to EDM to rap and heavy metal. Whew! Music is a great pace-setter because it literally feels like it’s a drum beat to your soul.
  • Prayer and Spirituality – I don’t care who or what you believe in; but there’s SO MUCH research that says having a sense of spirituality leads to greater resilience. A higher purpose, presence, person – whatever is  meaningful for you – spend time there. Pray, sing, meditate, transcend, or give it away to a higher power. Prayer is a powerful pace setter.
  • Get outside – Pacesetters don’t have to be people or things, as they can simply be a space. Where’s your favorite place to run, to hike, to chase your kids, see your dog sprint, or go for a bike ride? Make time and get there regularly. Getting outside sets a pace because it reminds us that the world is bigger than us. That even in the chaos of everyday life, the world keeps spinning – leaves change, skies grey, winds calm, and the moon shifts.

Hopefully I’ve convinced you by now that we all need a pacer. I hope I can be a pacer for you – the newsletter, my Facebook group, or even those of you who’ve joined me for courses or trainings. And on that note, I want you to keep a look out for your inbox this Friday – it’s a special announcement about a free, upcoming opportunity to learn with me online. I cannot wait to share what it’s all about and when we can learn together.

I mean, really, we all need more support, more connection, more “I’ve got your back” kind of moments right now.

Until Friday,

Dr. Amy

PS – Cant wait to hear the news? Well, if you’re part of my private FB group, it’s all in there! Join us!