As of this week, we’ve produced a full-year, 51 episodes of The Most Important Medicine! Friends, I cannot tell you how much joy and excitement this brings me and my team! To have interviewed some of my heroes, friends and experts from around the globe has been my honor. We’ve had thousands of downloads and this podcast has been listened to all over! I’ve gotten such incredible feedback from all of you. You’ve heard stories that resonate. Stories that have made you cry, laugh, feel seen and gain tools. One pediatric internist told me that this podcast has transformed how he practices medicine. I could retire on that! Another practitioner told me that she listens to this podcast to feel grounded on her way home from work so that she feels less alone in her experience.
This is why I want the podcast to continue to serve folks and spread free, accessible information and education about trauma-informed, healing spaces! This work means so much to me and my team.
As we enter Season Two of The Most Important Medicine, we’ve become laser focused on who comes to us for help and support – even outside of the podcast realm. As we reflect on that – we realize it’s those of you who sit at the intersection of systems for children and families – pediatricians, family practitioners, early head start teachers, early intervention specialists, teachers, nurse home visiting programs, family advocates, and parent educators – all of you who want to have a greater impact in the lives of children, but at times, feel burdened and stressed by the level of trauma you’re seeing and the short period of time you have to address the complex needs of children and families.
To give you a bit of context, let me tell you a bit more about other work I’ve been doing with my team. Here’s what happens behind the scenes and influences my areas of work, including the podcast space. In addition to supporting healthcare professionals, physicians and health care organizations, I continued doing deep work in child abuse prevention, head start, early intervention and nurse home visiting programs. All of this has renewed my passion and purpose about what it means to be a psychologist who’s endorsed in pediatric health and early childhood development. It’s also opened up my eyes to the need out there for information, resources and, curriculum that addresses trauma and builds connection through relationships. I’ll share more about the work I do in these areas during the month of August on the podcast. But know that part of this past year has been the tremendous growth in my business in creating resources in this space.
All this to say, I want my podcast to reflect this larger body of work AND focus in on my wheelhouse of expertise – pediatric health and childhood development. So, the podcast in August is a month of story-sharing and journey renewal. I’m going to use my podcast platform to share the incredible work and the dedication it takes to work in the lives of children and families with complex needs. I want all of you to have ways to feel more competent and connected along the way.
Next week, I’m going to be sharing the new title for my podcast with all of you as well as a free resource that will help guide you throughout the incredible work you’re all doing.
You might feel worried about some of these changes, depending on your profession! Don’t worry, if you’re a physician, nurse or other health professional, I’m still here for you! AND, I’m also welcoming others in! The podcast is going to sit at the intersection with those of you who work specifically with children and families and we’re going to begin to transform how we do this work. After all, we’re strong when we have power with each other, share resources, gain insight and support and stay in community. When we encourage collaboration and insight from other experts that do this important work, we create The Most Important Medicine through connection. Because in my, almost 25 years of working with children, families and the professionals in their lives, there’s one aspect that I go back to again and again and again – and it’s connection. How we model it, how we encourage it, and how we sit in communities of connection with one another.
I can’t wait for you to join me on this journey. If you haven’t already checked out the podcast, please do so now! And if you have, and you love it, will you take a moment to rate and review it so we can continue to get these important messages out into the world?
I’m with you and sending lots of love and compassion out into this world!